Strawberry shortcake costume
Strawberry shortcake costume

strawberry shortcake costume

If you’d like the costume, leave a comment below (make sure you leave your email address in the comment form, not inside the actual comment, just the form) and let me know who you’d like this costume for! :) Hopefully it will work out for one of you! ****Giveaway closes Monday September 14th, 11:59 p.m. And no, you don’t have to be 4 and a girl to win this costume - as requested by Chloe! ) If you don’t sew, don’t have time to sew, or would rather not sew…….this costume is up for grabs! It would work for a 3 year old (and would be longer) up to probably a 6-7 year old (and would be a little shorter). So even though it didn’t win the vote ( it wasn’t in last place either), there was still some interest, so I went with it….and made a sweet little Strawberry Costume! I don’t think she was all that serious but the idea stuck in my head and I just knew it would be cute! :) Yes, that’s the beautiful thing about this costume……it’s definitely a “quick” one! Chloe has changed her mind about what she wants to be for Halloween a trillion times and in a previous post, I mentioned how she told me one day that she changed her mind and wanted to be a strawberry for Halloween. (And if you’d like to own this costume…I’m giving it a way. So, yes, you’ve got it……those are in the works! But, because I really need to purge this idea so that I can move on to something else, I just had to make this strawberry costume real quick.

strawberry shortcake costume

Remember how we voted a week ago on what costumes you’d like to make? Well, the results showed that you guys are really wanting to try your hand at “mermaids” and “How To Train Your Dragon” characters. Ooooooh, I’ve been having so much fun planning costumes and gathering supplies! My mind is spinning in circles….so forgive me if I jump from one costume to another.

Strawberry shortcake costume